Why Us?

The inspiration and driving force behind Farm Spectrum East Africa Ltd is to enable the farming community within East Africa markets achieve its full potential. This is facilitated by creation of cost effective supply networks for farm-in-puts especially to harness and develop the capacity of farmers growing cocoa, coffee, cloves, and tea among others.

With this intention comes the commitment to bring agricultural development to the region while bridging the continents and offering a range of services on an international and global scale. We selectively source our agricultural commodities from certified growers and producers East Africa.

Farm Spectrum operates by representing selected farming cooperatives and local communities, with the help of mandates who possess full legal and corporate responsibility and who act on their behalf to facilitate and manage operations.

Underpinning our work is the desire to offer wider support to farming cooperatives, irrigation schemes, commercial, and not for profit organizations, governmental and non-governmental societies, local suppliers and small businesses, ensuring sustainable growth of sales and providing general business management services where these are still lacking.

Farm Spectrum form an integrated pool of multi-talented staff sharing a variety of cultural and educational backgrounds. In common, the group will display commitment to customers, fair and responsible business ethics, clear-cut procedures and sensitivity to the needs of the local farmers.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)