
To manufacture 1 kilogram of chocolate, 900 cocoa beans are needed. Harvesting of cocoa beans is undertaken when the pods containing the cocoa beans are ripe, and the fruit has turned yellow. The ripen pods are then opened with a wooden baton so as to separate the seeds and pulp from the outer rind. The seeds and peel undergo fermentation on the farm to fully develop the chocolate flavor; then the seeds are dried. The main cocoa bean producing countries in Africa are Ivory Coast, Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria and Uganda.


We are leading cocoa bean suppliers in Uganda based on consistency of quality and sustainability of operations. At Farm Spectrum East Africa Ltd, we have a well-established business network in Uganda through which we provide value added services to support the Ugandan cocoa industry as a whole and marketing high quality Ugandan cocoa beans worldwide.


We have created our own local cocoa bean sourcing team across cocoa growing regions of Uganda. By leveraging long-standing relationships with diverse cocoa beans producers in Uganda and processing collectives, we guarantee our esteemed customers, partners and buyers from across the globe, business continuity through reliable access to select and premium cocoa beans. As part of our value addition, we provide expert crop husbandry, farm and produce management advice to ensure quality control throughout the cocoa beans value chain.

 In terms of certification for cocoa beans, we adhere to international best practice. All our cocoa beans are traceable to individual famers and farmer groups in Uganda. We are in the process of implementing International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards throughout our coca bean supply chain in Uganda. We aim to conduct our international cocoa bean supply business as per the guidelines of Fair Trade.

Contact us your cocoa bean requirements through:

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