
We export fresh and healthy Kenya mangos to the rest of the world. Our fresh Kenya mangos are sourced from smallholder famers.  We also serve the local market.

Kenya mangos stand tall among the best mangos in the world, making Kenya a key source of juicy and healthy mangos to the world’s leading mango markets. Did you know that mangos are the most consumed fruits in the world? For many years, this ripe yellow succulent fruit with a pleasant flavor and good fragrance continue to be part of the daily diet for many people across the globe.

The mango fruit belongs to the genus ‘mangnifera’ and the family of drupes- these are fruits whose seeds are surrounded by organic shells. Other plants that belong to this family are; dates, olives, and coconuts.

The mango seed, including the Kenya mango claims origin about 4 millennia years gone, from its cradle in Southern Asia. Interestingly, the word may or may not have some etymological derivations from the great Mongol leader, Akbar the Great, who farmed the first orchard in the world, housing over 100, 000  mango trees.  With visitors coming from China to visit the Mongolian, it was inevitable that the seed would have its lucky dispersal into the Far-east, Europe, Kenya and other parts of the world.

The Kenya mangoes trace their origin 4000 years back, from Southern Asia. It is believed that the great Mongol leader, Akbar the Great, was the first farmer to plant an orchard with over 100,000 mango trees. Chinese visitors to this Indian leader then spread the plant far and wide into China, Europe, Kenya and the rest of the world. This is the route that the Kenya mango has traced through history to arrive at the world’s best climate, soil and people.

HEALTH Benefits of Mangoes

Apart from being used as food, Kenya mangos boast of many health benefits. The mango fruit for instance contains fibers, which are very key in assisting during the digestion process and particularly preventing constipation. Kenya mangos also contain calories, fats, vitamins and potassium that help in many metabolic functions of the human body.

The mango contains polyphenolic’ antioxidant compounds that prevent leukemia, breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer. They contain copper nutrients which act as coenzymes. These are important in enhancing the functioning of red blood cells, the cells that carry oxygen around the body. Other enzymes such as esters help in maintaining proper digestion. Citric, malic and tartaric acids that are found in mangoes maintain the alkalinity of the body cells. Mangoes also contain vitamin A that help abundantly in maintaining a good eye vision, as well as vitamin E which regulates the sex hormones. Mangoes also contain collagens, very powerful elements that play the role of maintaining a healthy, glowing skin. This is why mango products are used to cure skin acne.

Our Varieties of Mangoes

Some of the Kenya mango varieties exported by Farm Spectrum East Africa Ltd include:

Apple Mangos – rich yellow/orange colour when ripe, round shaped fruits that are medium to large in size. Smooth texture, no fibres. Very sweet! 

Ngowe mangos – The most common of the local Kenya mango varieties.

Kent mangos – a large greenish yellow fruit with red or crimson blush on the shoulder. Its flesh is juicy, melting deep yellow, with rich flavour.

Tommy Atkins mangos– a hard mango, reddish when ripe and equally delicious.

Our mangos are grown in the best of conditions, handled carefully during harvest and packed in the best hygienic conditions befitting the global market for mangos from Kenya.

Let us pack and deliver to your preferred destination and surely the Kenya mango will find its way into the daily diet of millions around the world.


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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