About us

We are registered exporters of agricultural commodities from East Africa to Europe, America, Asia and Middle East. Farm Spectrum East Africa Ltd was registered in 2001 and later incorporated in the year 2012.

As a customer focused company dedicated to play a leading role in the African agricultural advancement, Farm Spectrum East Africa Ltd offers the benefits of new innovative agro technologies and convenience of multiple commodities, brands and channels of international distribution.

We enable producers and local grower cooperatives by providing ISO certified crop nutrition products to enhance food production. We then procure the local produce from farmers providing them with reliable market for their produce. In Eastern Africa, the local farmers cannot produce enough products to satiate increasing demand. Every season, they sell their produce, wishing that they had more to sell. At Farm Spectrum, we improve this through advanced agricultural practices and provision of efficient crop nutrition and within the reach of farming community.

Farm Spectrum East Africa Ltd aims to vertically integrate agricultural supply chain in EAC markets with operations spanning in procurement (both for farm inputs and raw harvests), processing, warehousing, international distribution and merchandising.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)